Division Information

Our Program Offers Three Divisions

Division 1 - Competitive

Players have a high level of experience and fitness. Have usually played competitively.

Division 2 - Competitive Recreational

Players are competitive but are out here to gain fitness and recreation.

Division 3 - Recreational

Players out here to stay fit, have fun and make friends with a competitive spirit.

Division 4 - Masters 45+

Players who are 45 years old and above. Out here to stay fit, have fun and make friends with a competitive spirit.

All Divisions take place in 2 seasons per year
Fall season:  September to December
Spring season:  January to May

Beginners to Competitive Divisions
16yrs and over, recreational or competitive.

Sign up as an individual or a team.


About Us

Providing quality soccer for women in a safe and fair environment.

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